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5784-2023 High Holy Days Annual Appeal

Dear Members and Friends of CBI:

Each year during the High Holy Days Season we give everyone an opportunity to support Israel and our Congregation. Our community depends on the annual High Holy Day appeal to educate our children and provide Jewish worship and community in person and online. Your contribution makes a difference. Help us achieve 100% participation. 

 Below are two suggestions allowing you to support Israel and help Congregation Beth Israel grow its General Endowment Fund that will secure our future.
CBI General Endowment Fund: Congregation Beth Israel has a general endowment fund that needs your support. If we can build our general endowment fund significantly over the next few years, it has the potential to pay for programming expenses for future generations. Currently, the General Endowment Fund has approximately $610,000. We hope to build it to $2,000,000. Through donations of gifts given through estate planning, Israel Bonds, and our members’ generosity, we can reach this goal in less than 4 years.
ARZA: ARZA, the Association of Reform Zionists of America, is the Zionist arm and voice of the Reform Movement, serving 1.8 million Reform Jews in North America. ARZA, operating under the umbrella of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), acts as the vehicle for the collective participation of American Reform Jews in the Israel engagement agenda with an emphasis on advocacy, travel, and supporting equality, pluralism, tolerance, and democracy in Israel.

Thank you for supporting CBI!

In order to bill to your account, you must be logged in to ShulCloud.  If you are planning on paying by check, you can either choose to bill your account or just send a check to Congregation Beth Israel, 5716 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel, CA  93923,

If you need assistance with logging in or billing to your account, please email or contact the CBI office at 831-624-2015.  Thank you.

5784 High Holy Days Annual Appeal
Thu, December 12 2024 11 Kislev 5785