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Adult Education

Shabbat Morning Study
Torah Study from 10:30 to noon we meet to discuss the week’s Torah portion.  Bagels and coffee are provided.  Everyone is welcome.

Lunch with the Clergy
Rabbi Greenbaum and Cantor Fineman alternate months welcoming congregants to join them at Baja Cantina for a delicious lunch and discussion.  Topics include “Israel Today,” “Jewish Teachings on War,” “Jewish forms of Prejudice.”  Check our calendar for this month’s lunch date or call the office to make your reservation.

Scholar-in-Residence Weekends
Visiting scholars will be scheduled (approximately 2-3 times a year) to join us and to share their expertise with us. The exact schedule will vary, perhaps including Friday Shabbat dinner with a presentation, perhaps a Saturday morning presentation, perhaps a discussion with the Saturday Shabbat service, perhaps Saturday evenings with Havdalah and a dessert buffet. Sometimes the scholar will offer a fourth presentation on Sunday mornings as well. These events are open to everyone.

Jewish Book Group
The Jewish Book Group meets once a month to discuss books selected by the members. E-mail notices about book selections are sent to group members, who are responsible for obtaining their own copies.
Location: Meetings are held in the homes of group members.
Participants are encouraged to sign up at the Temple Office.

Best Years
Are you a CBI senior? The Best Years program offers dynamic speakers, delicious lunches, trips to exciting and educational events…what could be better? Suggestions about future speakers, trips, programs and movies are welcome. Also let us know if you need a free ride to these events.
Visit our calendar page for more information.

Pirke Avot
Did you participate in our Adult B'nai Mitzvah class last year and want to keep learning? Are you curious to explore a taste of Talmud? Have you ever studied Pirke Avot, wonderful lessons from some of our Talmudic scholars? Join us for our first classes Wednesdays, September 11 and 25. Each class will be held from 7:15-8:30. Go online or call Rabbi Greenbaum to register for the class. Participants will have a chance to strengthen their Hebrew skills (though not required). One or two sessions will be held every month through the school year. 

Adult Education Offerings

Adult Education at Congregation Beth Israel has three components: Hebrew, Torah Study and Judaic Studies.

Prayer Book Hebrew
Introductory Hebrew – the alphabet and beginning recognition of Hebrew words found in the prayer book (Sunday morning – Rosemary Lande)
Intermediate Hebrew – Translation and study of Torah portions with emphasis on vocabulary and grammar (Tuesday evenings -Sam Levinger and Rosemary Lande)
Saturday Morning Torah Study
Rabbi Greenbaum will lead a discussion of the week’s Torah portion.  Please check the calendar.  Coffee and light snacks will be available.
Judaic Study
History and development of the Jewish liturgy This program is designed for parents of children in the Sunday religious school, but all are invited.

To discover more about these and future adult education programs, please review our calendar and events pages.

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785