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We are an inclusive and welcoming Reform Jewish congregation
from diverse backgrounds joined together to celebrate Jewish culture, education, and the arts. MEMBERSHIP
Learn With Us
As a center for Jewish life in our area, accessible to Jews of all backgrounds and their families,
Congregation Beth Israel will serve as a
house of prayer, a house of study, and a
house of community, consistent with Jewish
values and ethics. EDUCATION
Worship With Us
Congregation Beth Israel is the dynamic,
vibrant center for Jewish life in the
Monterey Peninsula area. Our members celebrate
and nurture relationships with God and with each
other while respecting and wrestling with our
Jewish tradition.
Our doors are open to all who seek the guidance
of our Jewish faith. We strive to make a positive
impact on our community, the environment, and on
the human condition through Tikkun Olam. WORSHIP
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All Events
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 15 , 2025Women's Shabbaton
Shabbat, Feb 15th 3:00p to 4:45p
Our next Women’s Shabbaton “S’udat Shlisheet” Gathering takes place from 3:00 to 4:45 PM at CBI with Cantor Alisa and guest teacher Eli Cohen, beloved Rabbi of Chadeish Yameinu in Santa Cruz. We welcome our Women’s Shabbaton’s first “male” teacher and learn why the concept of the divine feminine in Judaism is a subject near and dear to him through “the wisdom of the bubbies.” His soulful teachings always offer us new and fresh insights. Expect songs, lullabies, shared stories and conversation and light refreshments, concluding with Havdalah, our farewell to Shabbat. There is a suggested donation of $18.00 to offset costs. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Kindly register online at below or call the office at 831-624-2015 so we can plan accordingly! -
Wednesday ,
FebFebruary 19 , 2025Lunch with the Clergy
Wednesday, Feb 19th 12:00p to 1:00p
In the Torah portion, Mishpatim, we are introduced to a set of laws that include “welcoming the stranger”. According to Jewish tradition, the instruction to “welcome the stranger” or to “not wrong or oppress the stranger” is mentioned 36 times in the Torah, making it one of the most repeated commandments, deeply rooted in the Israelites’ own experience of being treated as outsiders in Egypt. What is the significance of the number 36? According to Jewish lore originating in the Talmud, there are 36 righteous souls, known as lamed vavniks, scattered among the world in every generation, whose actions sustain the world. Should just one neglect her or his mission or calling, the world would fall apart. Our stories often depict lamud-vavniks disguised as strangers, their identity unknown even to themselves. Come join Cantor Alisa at Baja Cantina on Wednesday, February 19th at noon to reflect on the connection between this week’s Torah portion and the lore of the lamed vavniks. Please register online or RSVP by calling the CBI office at 831-6242015. Lunch menu ranges from $15 to $22 a person. -
Wednesday ,
FebFebruary 19 , 2025Am I A Zionist?
Wednesday, Feb 19th 7:00p to 8:30p
The purpose of this 3-part series is to help participants stake out their own position on Zionism and to explore the connections between Zionism and Judaism. We will not be examining Israeli politics or the current war. Topics we will cover include Jewish peoplehood, conceptions of Zion in Jewish history, the birth of modern Zionism, and current misconceptions about what Zionism is (and isn’t). Our time together will reflect our tradition of dialogue and respectful debate “for the sake of heaven.” While attendance at all three 90-minute sessions is ideal, learners are welcome to participate in any and all meetings. -
Wednesday ,
FebFebruary 26 , 2025Am I A Zionist?
Wednesday, Feb 26th 7:00p to 8:30p
The purpose of this 3-part series is to help participants stake out their own position on Zionism and to explore the connections between Zionism and Judaism. We will not be examining Israeli politics or the current war. Topics we will cover include Jewish peoplehood, conceptions of Zion in Jewish history, the birth of modern Zionism, and current misconceptions about what Zionism is (and isn’t). Our time together will reflect our tradition of dialogue and respectful debate “for the sake of heaven.” While attendance at all three 90-minute sessions is ideal, learners are welcome to participate in any and all meetings. -
Thursday ,
FebFebruary 27 , 2025Best Years Lunch
Thursday, Feb 27th 12:00p to 1:00p
Join us on Thursday, February 27 at noon as we enjoy what is one of the most popular Best Years events, enjoying a nice lunch at a local restaurant. This month let’s try the Lalla Grill in the Del Monte Center. Interested in a tasty salad or delicious sandwich? We will meet at the restaurant in Del Monte. If it is easier for you, call the synagogue to carpool with the rabbi. This free lunch, paid by the CBI Senior Endowment Fund is always a fun gathering. Please bring ideas for future Best Years events. Please let us know if you need a ride for this event. -
Friday ,
FebFebruary 28 , 2025Community Shabbat Dinner
Friday, Feb 28th 6:15p to 7:30p
Join us as we offer blessings for the bread and wine, enjoy a delicious dinner, and sing traditional music to begin our erev Shabbat. Evening services follow at 6:30 pm. The cost is $18 for adults and $10 for military & children. Online registration ends the evening before the dinner. Once online registration closes, please call the office to check availability. -
Sunday ,
MarMarch 2 , 2025Let’s Get Outdoors!
Sunday, Mar 2nd 10:00a to 12:00p
Fresh air heals and nature soothes your soul. The CBI Circle Let’s Get Outdoors! combines the beauty of our local parks, the health benefits of exercise, and the stress relief of socialization into Sunday morning joy! -
Wednesday ,
MarMarch 5 , 2025Am I A Zionist?
Wednesday, Mar 5th 7:00p to 8:30p
The purpose of this 3-part series is to help participants stake out their own position on Zionism and to explore the connections between Zionism and Judaism. We will not be examining Israeli politics or the current war. Topics we will cover include Jewish peoplehood, conceptions of Zion in Jewish history, the birth of modern Zionism, and current misconceptions about what Zionism is (and isn’t). Our time together will reflect our tradition of dialogue and respectful debate “for the sake of heaven.” While attendance at all three 90-minute sessions is ideal, learners are welcome to participate in any and all meetings. -
Sunday ,
MarMarch 16 , 2025Let’s Get Outdoors!
Sunday, Mar 16th 10:00a to 12:00p
Fresh air heals and nature soothes your soul. The CBI Circle Let’s Get Outdoors! combines the beauty of our local parks, the health benefits of exercise, and the stress relief of socialization into Sunday morning joy!
Sat, February 15 2025
17 Shevat 5785
Today's Calendar
: 10:30am |
: 3:00pm |
Friday Night
: 7:30pm |
Shabbat Day
: 10:30am |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 15 |
Feb 16 Restorative Pilates Sunday, Feb 16 3:00pm |
Feb 16 Tap Dance for Strong Bones Sunday, Feb 16 4:00pm |
Feb 17 OFFICE CLOSED Monday, Feb 17 |
Feb 18 |
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Sat, February 15 2025 17 Shevat 5785
Congregation Beth Israel is an inclusive Jewish community open to people of all ages, races, and abilities, welcoming interfaith families, people who are single, and LGBTQ+.

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