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Our History

Congregation Beth Israel's mission is to be a welcoming and inclusive center for Jewish life in the Monterey Peninsula area.
As a center for Jewish life in our area, accessible to Jews of all backgrounds and their families, Congregation Beth Israel will serve as a house of prayer, a house of study, and a house of community, consistent with Jewish values and ethics.
Congregation Beth Israel is the dynamic, vibrant center for Jewish life in the Monterey Peninsula area.  Our members celebrate and nurture relationships with God and with each other while respecting and wrestling with our Jewish tradition. 

Our doors are open to all who seek the guidance of our Jewish faith. We strive to make a positive impact on our community, the environment, and on the human condition through Tikkun Olam.
This values-based code of ethics sets forth the principles and expectations for adherence to standards of conduct for our clergy, congregants, staff, visitors, and guests, whether participating in a Congregation Beth Israel activity that is in the building, online, or offsite.
Congregation Beth Israel welcomes all who wish to engage with our sacred community.
  • We embrace everyone without regard to religious background, age, ability, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, or socioeconomic status.
  • We strive to make all who participate in our community feel a sense of belonging with the expectation that their ideas and concerns can be openly stated and responded to with respect.
Every individual who enters our holy community is valued. Congregants and staff members will conduct themselves and their relationships in an open and honest way, treating others with respect, dignity, and fairness in accordance with the Jewish value of derech eretz (decency and respect). To that end, congregants and staff members will:
• Conduct themselves with good manners and common courtesy.
• Refrain from lashon hara (negative talk, gossip, and slander).
• Refrain from derogatory speech.
• Encourage open discussion, while maintaining confidences.
• Express openness and willingness to engage with all other congregants and staff members and support one another’s work.


Congregation Beth Israel expects all who engage in our community to conduct themselves in an honest manner.
*We promote open and honest communication that allows for addressing differences constructively.
*We protect the confidentiality of privileged information.
*We respect the efforts of others and do not take credit for their work.
*We recognize, respect, and protect the intellectual property rights of our synagogue and others. We obey copyright laws governing the use and distribution of published materials.
*We make decisions regarding synagogue-related matters with transparency, openness and accountability, unless confidentiality dictates otherwise


We are expected to behave in a manner that brings credit to our congregation and to the community. This behavior includes, but is not limited to:
• Conducting ourselves in an honest manner and being truthful in communications and conduct.
• Conducting all financial affairs with complete honesty and integrity and refraining from financial impropriety
• Accepting gifts only in accordance with Gift Acceptance policy. Always being mindful of perceptions that such acceptance may generate.
• Establishing and enforcing the appropriate procedures to protect the assets of the Congregation.
• Staying informed of and providing accurate information on issues of staff and volunteers.
• Reporting unethical or illegal conduct to appropriate internal and/or external authorities.


Synagogue partners should avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflicts of interest. Those in positions of authority and influence, including members of the board, officers, and staff members, must conduct all congregational business in a manner that is morally, ethically, and fiscally of the highest order and can bear public scrutiny at all times. Decisions of the board, officers, and staff must always be guided by the policies of the synagogue and in its best interests.

Confidentiality involves preserving personal and financial information, especially as it pertains congregants, employees, volunteers, and business and financial data of the synagogue. Even well-meaning disclosure of information revealed in confidence may have damaging results. Care should be taken to ensure that confidential conversations are not overheard and that any documents containing confidential information are not left in the open or inadvertently shared. Under certain circumstances, however, it may be necessary to share otherwise confidential information to avoid harm. 

Synagogue partners should demonstrate respect, professionalism, and good judgment when using any electronic communication technology. Special care must be taken to protect confidentiality when using social media - any sites and services that permit users to share information and photography with others.


Congregation Beth Israel values acting with integrity.
*We act solely according to the synagogue’s best interest when acting on its behalf.
*We refrain from using one’s synagogue position for personal advantage or benefit.
*We conduct financial matters related to synagogue involvement with complete honesty.
*We are bound by sacred obligation to uphold financial agreements made with the synagogue.
*We conduct employment practices and related decision-making in an ethical and legal manner. We establish and enforce the appropriate policies and procedures to protect the employees of the congregation.


A positive reputation, including our presence on social media, is one of the most difficult assets to establish and one of the easiest to lose. We will be mindful of when our personal communications could be misconstrued as representing the views of the synagogue or another organization, and we refrain from communications that are inappropriate. 


Congregation Beth Israel embraces the fundamental value of performing acts of lovingkindness (g’milut chasadim).
*We treat others with respect, dignity, fairness, and compassion.
*We refrain from derogatory speech, negative talk, gossip, and slander, whether in person or on social media.
*We oppose bullying, including any unwanted behavior that degrades, humiliates, or oppresses another. Verbal, physical, or cyberbullying is never acceptable.


Congregation Beth Israel believes everyone entering our sacred space has the right to feel safe and respected, and that we are morally and ethically responsible for one another (kol yisrael areivim zeh bazeh).
*We do not tolerate sexual harassment.
*We do not tolerate acts or behaviors that exploit the vulnerability of another, take advantage of a power imbalance, compromise one’s moral integrity, or create an intimidating, offensive, abusive, or hostile environment.
*We strive to protect those who appear to be the victims of any form of abuse or neglect.
Tue, September 10 2024 7 Elul 5784