9:30am – 12:30pm Students in Kindergarten – Grade 7
CLASS TRIPS AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT RELEASE By signing my name below, my child(ren) have permission to participate in the Hesed Academy at Congregation Beth Israel. In consideration of my child(ren)'s acceptance as a religious school student, I hereby waive any and all claims against Congregation Beth Israel, its agents, and its employees that may arise out of any injury, loss or damage suffered by my child(ren) during any religious school activity. I hereby authorize the Education Director, or person designated by the Education Director, to obtain emergency medical care for my child(ren) in the event such care is indicated. I give my permission for my child(ren) to receive emergency medical care by any nurse, doctor, paramedic or member of a medical staff of a hospital licensed by the State of California. I understand that every effort will be made to notify a parent/guardian prior to treatment. I certify that my child(ren) is(are) in good physical health. They have my permission to participate in all activities that are part of the regular religious school program. Field trips may be arranged by Congregation Beth Israel, and transportation may include bus or vehicle driven by a classmate's parent or guardian.
PHOTO AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE I hereby expressly grant to Congregation Beth Israel and its employees, permission to photograph me and my children and use them in published material, or on the internet, television, or any other media now or hereafter known, for art, advertising, trade, or any other purpose connected with the marketing efforts of the school.
PHONE BOOK RELEASE We publish a list of names, addresses, and phone numbers of students in each class. We distribute the list to all Hesed Academy families.