Lunch with the Clergy
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 • 21 Shevat 5785
12:00 PM - 1:00 PMBaja CantinaIn the Torah portion, Mishpatim, we are introduced to a set of laws that include “welcoming the stranger”. According to Jewish tradition, the instruction to “welcome the stranger” or to “not wrong or oppress the stranger” is mentioned 36 times in the Torah, making it one of the most repeated commandments, deeply rooted in the Israelites’ own experience of being treated as outsiders in Egypt. What is the significance of the number 36? According to Jewish lore originating in the Talmud, there are 36 righteous souls, known as lamed vavniks, scattered among the world in every generation, whose actions sustain the world. Should just one neglect her or his mission or calling, the world would fall apart. Our stories often depict lamud-vavniks disguised as strangers, their identity unknown even to themselves. Come join Cantor Alisa at Baja Cantina on Wednesday, February 19th at noon to reflect on the connection between this week’s Torah portion and the lore of the lamed vavniks. Please register online or RSVP by calling the CBI office at 831-6242015. Lunch menu ranges from $15 to $22 a person.
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