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5785-2024 High Holy Days Annual Appeal

Dear Members and Friends of CBI:

Each year during the High Holy Day Season we give everyone an opportunity to be supportive Israel and our Congregation. Below are two suggestions allowing you to support Israel, and at the same time help Congregation Beth Israel remain safe and secure.

Israel Bonds: For many years this has been the main effort of synagogues throughout the United States during this Holy Day season. Israel Bonds is more a loan to Israel than a donation. Israel has repaid every bond ever purchased including interest. Israel Bond money has in past years supported a variety of causes including building an underground playground in a bomb shelter in the city of S’derot near Gaza and helping acclimate new immigrants arriving to Israel. When you purchase a bond you are investing in the country of Israel. These bonds can be purchased in your name, or used as a gift for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. This year please consider purchasing a bond and donating it to our Congregation Beth Israel. This way you are supporting both Israel and CBI using the same donation. You can make out your checks to CBI and we can purchase the Israeli Bonds on your behalf.

CBI Safety and Security Fund: Congregation Beth Israel has a safety and security fund that needs your support. With an OES grant we were able to improve our lighting and our camera system, strengthen our windows, improve our front door security as well as add bollards in front of the building. Our Safety and Security Fund helps us provide a guard service for our Shabbat and Holiday services as well as Sunday mornings for Hesed Academy. Through donations of Israeli Bonds, annual pledges, and our members’ generosity we can continue to cover all our security expenses.

High Holy Day Appeal - Please indicate below the dollar amount you want to donate.

In order to bill to your account, you must be logged in to ShulCloud.  If you are planning on paying by check, you can either choose to bill your account or just send a check to Congregation Beth Israel, 5716 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel, CA  93923,

If you need assistance with logging in or billing to your account, please email or contact the CBI office at 831-624-2015.  Thank you.

5785 High Holy Days Annual Appeal
Tue, October 8 2024 6 Tishrei 5785